Seth and Patrick McCaulley took over the McCaulley farming operation in 2016 from their father Kevin. The land they farm has been in the McCaulley name since 1875. Seth, his wife Angie, and family live in Spencer where he is the President of Community State Bank. Patrick, his wife Erin, and family have moved up to Savage, MN where he is the Aftersales and Product Support Manager at Ziegler CAT. They are the 6th generation of McCaulleys (and also 6th generation farmers from our mother’s Glasnapp side) to farm the land. They all enjoy using their vacation time to come back and work on the land of their forefathers.

The McCaulley Family Farm, near Lake City, Iowa, was purchased by George and Mary McCaulley on December 17, 1875. George joined the 49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment where he was wounded four times and discharged at the end of the war. The McCaulleys relocated in Iowa and finally ended up in Calhoun County. George later died by being gored by a bull in 1901.


Corn to Whiskey