Ahern/Brodin Corn to Whiskey
Brodin Family Farm
Jackson County, Minnesota
Century Family Farm
In 1888 Carl Johnson Brodin immigrated from Sweden to the United States. After working five years as a farmhand he purchased 80 acres in section 27 of Delafield Township from his future father-in-law, August Linstrom. Carl married Ida Linstrom in 1893 and they moved the Linstrom’s summer kitchen across the prairie to their farm to live in. In 1902 Carl purchased an adjacent 80 acres in section 27 to complete his farm. Over the years the Brodins added on to the house three times.
Carl & Ida were blessed with six children, four who grew to adulthood. Ernest, Henry, (George) Elmer and (Gustav) Victor. The four brothers were very close and could often be found sitting together in a huddle. The brothers never lived more than five miles from each other, helped each other with their farms and spent a lot of time playing caroms and eating homemade ice cream.
Victor married Dagny Myrvold in 1925 and they made their home and living on the Brodin family farm. Vic & Dagny had two sons, Wesley & Vernon. Upon returning from the Korean War, Vernon began to farm the land with his wife, Lillie. Vernon & Lillie had two children, Craig & Cheryl. When Vernon retired from farming, Jay Mickelson (a fourth generation descendent of Carl Brodin) began to work and farm the land. He and his son, Brady, currently farm the land.
We hope that this whiskey captures the loving spirit of the Brodin family.
Corn to Whiskey